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Dietary Supplements for Pets: Harmful or Helpful?

...common supplements used are multivitamins, joint supplements, and fatty acids so let’s look at the role of those. Unless a pet is eating a nutritionally unbalanced diet, multivitamins are not...

Pet Links

...Foods. The Animal Rescue The Animal Rescue Site focuses the power of the Internet on a specific need — providing food for some of the. 27 million unwanted animals...

How do I switch my pet’s food?

...25% increments until the change is complete. More information on tips and strategies for feeding indoor cats can be found at the following educational sites for owners:,...

Pet Food Decisions: How Do You Pick Your Pet’s Food?

...difficulty choosing pet food (October 8, 2015). Available at: Accessed December 16, 2019. 3Schleicher M, Cash SB, Freeman LM. Determinants of pet food purchasing decisions. Canadian Veterinary Journal 2019;60:644-650....

Veterinarian Nutrition Consult Request Form

...Is a home-cooked diet recipe being requested?* Yes No If appropriate Current medical concerns* Is this pet currently on medication?* Yes No Prescribed for use as needed Current medications* Click...