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Pancreatitis: A Real Pain in the Abdomen

Pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, is a common health issue in both dogs and cats. It occurs when digestive enzymes that are stored in the pancreas get activated prematurely...

Managing Multi-pet Mealtimes

...a solution that is appropriate for all dogs or all cats in the household. Heart disease in pets, for example, may require reducing sodium; a lower sodium diet is usually...

Fiber Frustrations

...increase stool volume and frequency. The most common type of insoluble fiber found in pet foods is cellulose. Wheat bran is a good source of insoluble fiber that may be...

Figuring Out Food Sensitivities

...get back to normal in between if needed. If your pet doesn’t improve and your pet’s symptoms are mild, it’s time to consider a diet change (if your pet is...

The Problem with Pumpkin foods: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Soluble and insoluble fiber have different effects in the gastrointestinal tract and throughout the body. The total amount of fiber in the food...