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What Is Guaranteed about the Guaranteed Analysis?

...More importantly, the guaranteed analysis doesn’t give us the actual percentages of these four nutrients in the food; instead, they are listed as minimum levels (for protein and fat) or...

The Scoop on Storing Pet Food

...addition to hungry pets!). In addition, store the food off the floor to minimize pests. Tip: If you pour your pet food into another container, be sure the food in...

Copper-Associated Liver Disease in Dogs

...board-certified veterinary nutritionist ( to ensure that the diet meets all of your dog’s essential nutrient needs for overall health, while still being low in copper. You may want to...

Should you make your own pet food at home?

...seizures due to inadequate nutrients and the adult cats with severe heart disease and blindness because of taurine deficiency. While occasional home-cooked meals for adult pets on special occasions (holidays,...