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What are safe and healthy treats for my pet?

...a list of all the toxic foods you should never feed your pet ( What are healthy chews for my pet? We recommend owners use crunchy vegetables as chews or...

The Scoop on Storing Pet Food pet food bags. They grow well in foods rich in protein- and fat-rich foods, so most pet foods provide perfect conditions. Tip: Pet foods contaminated with storage mites can...

Can I change my pet’s diet to improve skin and coat health? dogs and cats are currently lacking. In most cases, we recommend seeing a Board Certified Veterinary Dermatologist if your pet has chronic skin itching or infections ( for chronic...

Copper-Associated Liver Disease in Dogs with your veterinarian to identify the specific cause in each dog. Once a dog is diagnosed with too much copper in its liver, the goal is to reduce existing...

Should you make your own pet food at home?

...of his nutritional needs is to obtain your recipe from the pet equivalent of a registered dietician – a veterinarian with board certification in veterinary nutrition ( or with a...