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What are safe and healthy treats for my pet?

...piece and some chew bones can be over 1,000 kcal! Considering your average Labrador retriever only needs 1,000 kcal per day, these treats can quickly add up and unbalance the...

Should you make your own pet food at home?

...seriously harm your pet’s health, especially for a growing kitten or puppy. Many pet owners are surprised to find out that cooking for a pet isn’t necessarily as simple as...

Copper-Associated Liver Disease in Dogs

...too much copper on diets that other dogs do fine on. Dogs with this disease may seem completely healthy but have high liver enzymes on bloodwork, or can be obviously...

The Scoop on Storing Pet Food

...practice may make your pet’s food less nutritious and potentially expose your pet to health risks. Ideal storage conditions Hopefully, you’ve learned a lot from our website and you carefully...