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Fiber Frustrations

...of these limitations and because it is not required of pet food companies, TDF is rarely available for commercial pet foods. Because the crude fiber only includes insoluble fiber, total...

What’s a Good Exercise Plan For My Pet?

...for my dog who can’t exercise? For dogs with exercise limitations (such as joint problems or heart disease), there are an increasing number of veterinary physical rehabilitation services available that...

Feeding Pets with Liver Shunts

...veterinary nutritionist with experience in managing dogs with shunts. Unfortunately, there are fewer commercial options available for puppies (even commercial therapeutic diet options are unlikely to meet the needs for...

Managing Multi-pet Mealtimes

...eating and only offer that amount (notice we’re not taking food away, just changing how we give it!). Step Three: Reduce the time the food is available from a few...

Speaking Engagements – First Half of 2016

...are some of our more recent speaking engagements. Dr. Lisa Freeman Dr. Freeman provided educational lectures to veterinarians at the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association’s conference in Toronto, Canada January 28-30th....

Stop reading your pet food ingredient list!

...order of weight) but it’s also used as a powerful form of marketing to pet owners. Namely, manufacturers include ingredients that will appeal to pet owners but probably don’t provide...

How Often Should I Feed My Pet?

...may need free-feeding in order to meet increased energy needs, such as pregnant or lactating animals. However, this feeding style is not recommended unless *all* of your pets who can...