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Browse All Pet Nutrition Articles

...or froth but not food after not eating for a long period of time (which for most dogs is typically early in the morning after not eating overnight). Petfoodology Blog,...

What’s the Best Diet for My Dog with Diabetes?

...pets should be encouraged to slowly lose weight once initial diabetic control is reached. It is VERY important that your veterinarian monitor your dog closely during weight loss as his...

Recent Publications – July 2016

...overweight dogs in the study were only mildly overweight, which may not be the same as being obese. Further study is needed before we can definitively say that being overweight...

New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Owners training) – pick up a book or head online. Clicker training in particular is a fun, easy-to-learn way to teach both tricks and useful behaviors (e.g. being still for...

Comparing kitty’s calorie costs

...while the raw and fresh foods only 3 major brands. All were hand-picked by me to be widely available and well-known rather than being randomly selected. However, I think the...