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Much Ado About Therapeutic Diets

...tiny pieces to evade the immune system) and many are thoroughly tested to eliminate the risk of cross-contamination. Unfortunately, cross-contamination is extremely common in the “limited ingredient” diets that you...

COVID-19 and Your Pet’s Nutritional Health

...or store is closed? A: Many companies are still offering online ordering options. If your pet is on a therapeutic diet that requires veterinary approval, make sure to buy a...

Paging Dr. Google: Nutrition on the Internet

...rank diets, that is a red flag that they are likely relying only on superficial (and subjective) information. Check the source of the information. Do the authors simply state that...

Recent Publications – July 2016

...overweight dogs in the study were only mildly overweight, which may not be the same as being obese. Further study is needed before we can definitively say that being overweight...

How much should I feed my dog or cat?

Veterinarians decide how many calories your pet needs by looking at their current weight, their body condition (are they over or under-weight or just right?), and what they’re currently eating....