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What Nutrients are Essential for My Pet?

...To Learn More? If you’d like to learn more about the exact amounts required of these nutrients in different lifestages and species, booklets are also available online from the National...

Managing Hyperthyroidism with Diet in Cats

...that I know my cat has hyperthyroidism, what do I do? The good news is that there are many treatment options available to our hyperthyroid cats. These include an iodine-restricted...

What’s a Good Exercise Plan For My Pet?

...for my dog who can’t exercise? For dogs with exercise limitations (such as joint problems or heart disease), there are an increasing number of veterinary physical rehabilitation services available that...

Raw Diets: A Healthy Choice or a Raw Deal?

...contain whole bones or ground bone while others do not. They can be homemade from various recipes (e.g., BARF or Ultimate Diet) and are also available commercially from a variety...

Managing Multi-pet Mealtimes

...eating and only offer that amount (notice we’re not taking food away, just changing how we give it!). Step Three: Reduce the time the food is available from a few...

Feeding Pets with Liver Shunts

...veterinary nutritionist with experience in managing dogs with shunts. Unfortunately, there are fewer commercial options available for puppies (even commercial therapeutic diet options are unlikely to meet the needs for...