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Is it the food? Pet food-associated illness

Food-associated illness (“food poisoning”) is generally quite rare in pets compared to people. However, it does happen and it is important to know what to look for and what to...

The A-B-C’s of Vitamin C

...that they prevent or delay some types of cell damage). While vitamin C does do this in smaller doses, in larger doses, it can be pro-oxidant, meaning it promotes the...

Speaking Engagements – First Half of 2016

...on topics including quality of life in dogs and cats, managing weight loss during chronic disease, and top 10 nutrition tips for cats with heart disease. In addition, results of...

Raw Diets: A Healthy Choice or a Raw Deal?

...values, such as blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, hematocrit, albumin, and cholesterol. While it is unclear whether these findings have any long-term health implications for the animal, it is important that...