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New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Owners

...feeding a high quality diet in the right amounts to keep your pet lean? If you are feeding supplements, are they safe and likely to be helpful? Figure out how...

Fiber Frustrations

...thoroughly the fiber dissolves in water. Insoluble fibers do not dissolve while highly soluble fibers dissolve completely. Insoluble fibers basically enter and exit the body virtually unchanged. They tend to...

Breed Specific vs All Breed Diets

...become overweight easily, and long-haired cats like Himalayans may get more hairballs. Some of these health issues can potentially be prevented or can be treated in part by diet, so...

Feeding Pets with Liver Shunts

...dairy, and soy protein are less likely to cause hepatic encephalopathy or shunt-associated bladder stones compared to muscle and organ meats. Therefore, carefully designed, good quality therapeutic diets typically use...

Pancreatitis: A Real Pain in the Abdomen

...not used to eating a high-fat diet. In cats, who are less likely to get into “forbidden” foods and typically less fat-sensitive, pancreatitis is more commonly associated with inflammation in...