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Growth Guide: Keeping your Puppy on the Right Track

Growing puppies have very specific nutritional requirements that are different from those of adult dogs. Feeding puppies correctly reduces their risk for obesity and orthopedic diseases, and increases their chances...

The Scoop on Storing Pet Food

If you’re like most pet owners, you buy a bag of pet food, open it, and pour it into a container for storage. But it turns out that this common...

Treatment of Hepatic Lipidosis in Cats

You may have heard that cats can get a serious liver disease if they stop eating for more than a few days. This condition is called “hepatic lipidosis” or “fatty...

Pancreatitis: A Real Pain in the Abdomen

Pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, is a common health issue in both dogs and cats. It occurs when digestive enzymes that are stored in the pancreas get activated prematurely...

What Is Guaranteed about the Guaranteed Analysis?

The guaranteed analysis is only required to provide information on four nutrients – protein, fat, fiber, and moisture (water). Information on other nutrients can be included but is not required....