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The Scoop on Storing Pet Food pet food bags. They grow well in foods rich in protein- and fat-rich foods, so most pet foods provide perfect conditions. Tip: Pet foods contaminated with storage mites can...

Your Kitten’s Diet is Linked to her Health as an Adult

...including diet in cats presenting for gastrointestinal signs in later life. Veterinary Record 2019; doi: 10.1136/vr.105040: You can learn more about the Bristol Cats Study on their website:

Battling the Bulge? Troubleshooting Tips for Pet Weight Loss not allow cats to go longer than 24 hours without consuming any meals.   Strategies modified from the 2014 AAHA Weight Management Guidelines, which can be found at:

Research Update: Testing for Food Allergies

While food allergies (also called adverse food reaction or ‘AFR’) are uncommon in pets, diagnosing them or ruling them out completely remains a frustrating endeavor for veterinarians and pet owners...